Mary Ellen Hendrickson

 Bio/Workshop Brief

Contact Info:

Mary Ellen Hendrickson, LMT, Montana

Cell:  406-788-2214


Current work:

  Benefis Healthcare System Hospital-wide,  Massage Therapist

  Outreach services provided through Medicaid Waiver Program as well as through private pay, for individuals in private homes, facilities, ranches, camps, and special events.



Current interests include engaging massage therapists in utilizing their well-honed observational skills to assess the body mechanics/dynamics of their own movement while performing massages as well as those of their colleagues through a fun, interactive, hands-on "triple trade" workshop.

          Presented  initially as,"Triple-Trade for Assessing Body Mechanics" at the 2009 AMTA National Convention in Orlando, Florida,  this workshop, now revised and entitled "Body Dynamics in 3D", takes the "Massage Trade" concept that many of us love to do, and gives it added meaning by including a third therapist in  30-minute trade rotations, allowing for each participant to receive a 30 minute massage, observe a 30 minute massage, and give a 30 minute massage.  The take-home checklist is used to record observations and offer suggestions for modifications and adaptations given each therapist's bodywork styles.

          Therapists are encouraged to host this workshop in their state/locality in order to keep costs to the individual at a minimum.  (Generally priced at $65/participant for 4CEs)